Book Via to host a baking workshop, share her story, and inspire your workplace, class, or audience!

Speaking Engagements

Via has spoken at countless events, sharing her story of success, struggle, and her ongoing efforts to build her brand and social justice awareness within that.

She pitched her business in multiple business competitions, walking away with over $7,000 total to get things rolling- all while still in college. After working tirelessly to grow her business and image, she has presented for Rev: Ithaca Startup Works, judged youth entrepreneurial competitions, spoken for the American Association of University Women and was awarded a membership after giving an inspiring presentation; she has hosted cookie baking workshops, speaking about her business and mission; and it doesn’t stop there! She has many exciting upcoming events, such as presenting a case study that she wrote about her business at two teaching conferences with co-author Margaret Shackell. Via was also invited to sell and speak about her products at the Wells Fargo Women in Business event at Hudson Yards and is an honorary judge for an upcoming baking competition with a social vision. This is just the tip of the iceberg, she has much more coming and much more under her belt and she has only been a college graduate since May 2022.

  • Baking Workshop

    Book Via to take over your commercial kitchen and host a class on how to make some of her delicious baked goods. This is great for workplace activities, student engagements, etc.

  • Guest Speaking or Lecture

    Purchase cookies for your office and have Via come in or present over Zoom and share her story, mission, and see how you can help the communities she is supporting with her donations.

  • Via's Cookie Chats

    Via comes and facilitates a chat about her social justice efforts and how you can actively become anti-racist, all while gracing the room with her delicious cookies. Conversation is facilitated by her and she brings a slide show tailored for your workplace/class/etc.- to spur action and inspire change.

Reach out to get the conversation started on booking her for an event!